Thursday, April 7, 2011

Lies My Pastor Told Me: Confronting 15 Church Clichés with the Gospel by Cole Brown

This is an interesting book written about the cliches so often taught to Christians. This book can be downloaded here for free in pdf format.
Here is the list of fifteen:
  1. Don’t Put Your Mouth on the Man of God!
  2. The Bible Is God’s Rulebook.
  3. This Is God’s House
  4. I Feel The Spirit
  5. I Have Peace About This Decision
  6. God Wants Me to be Rich
  7. That Will Make You Sin
  8. Speak It Into Existence
  9. You’re Not Filled With the Holy Spirit if You Don’t Speak In Tongues
  10. That’s the Devil
  11. God Heals Those Who Have Faith
  12. You Have A Generational Curse
  13. She’s Not Anointed
  14. Just Believe God
  15. Doctrine Is Dangerous

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