Friday, April 2, 2010

John MacArthur on the Purpose Driven Life

It is quite troubling that Rick Warren has been invited by John Piper to be a speaker at the 2010 Desiring God Conference. I really like John Piper's preaching and ministry but why he continues to invite the likes of Warren and Douglas Wilson (proponent of Federal Vision) to speak at conferences baffles my mind.
This is an excellent video where John MacArthur shows the flaw in the false gospel taught in Rick Warren's "Purpose Driven Life".

1 comment:

  1. Piper went over Wilson's book Reformed is Not Enough meticulously before inviting Wilson. He didn't find anything heretical. Did you watch the Wilson talk at the last DG conference? Did you have any problems with it? Sometimes I wonder if any critic who uses the word 'Federal Vision' could even define it or whether it is now just used as a lazy ad hominem attack.
