Thursday, February 25, 2010

Legalism definition by Jerry Bridges

"Legalism is when we build fences to keep ourselves from committing certain sins. Soon these fences -- instead of the sins they were designed to guard against -- become the issue. We elevate our rules to the level of God's commandments."

Jerry Bridges Transforming Grace, p.122

John Adams Quote

I saw this quote in an excellent article about whether government run health care is a good idea in the Summit Ministries Feb 15, 2010 Truth Or Consequences article.

Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.
— John Adams, U.S. Diplomat and Politician (1735–1826), "Argument in Defense of the Soldiers in the Boston Massacre Trial," December 1770

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Exceprts from The Neo-Liberal Stealth Offensive by Phil Johnson

Excerpts from a Phil Johnson article in the Jan-Feb 9Marks eJournal:

With the advent of the seeker-sensitive movement, however, evangelicals began to be influenced by a new species of entrepreneurial leaders who marginalized those core doctrines by neglect. Most of them didn’t overtly deny essential biblical truths; but neither did they vigorously stress or defend anything other than their own methodology.

The results were predictable: Churches are now filled with formerly unchurched people who are still untaught and perhaps even unconverted. Multitudes of children raised on a treacly diet of seekersensitive religion have grown up to associate the label evangelical with superficiality. Most of them cannot tell you what the term originally meant, and they reject whatever vestigial evangelical boundaries or doctrinal distinctives their parents may have held onto. But they still call themselves evangelicals when it’s convenient, and many have remained at the fringes of the visible movement, decrying how out of step the church is with their generation. That, after all, is exactly what they learned from their parents.